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Journal paper

Issue No. VOL.33(Spring) 
Title Discussion of Two Writing Strategies When Han Yu Was Relegated to Chao-Chou --Base on “Chao-Chou Ci Shi Xie Shang Biao” and “E Yu Wen” 
Author Jiang, Long-xiang 
Page 1–28 
Abstract When Han Yu was delegated to Chao-Chou, part of his opinions on public affairs that flattered the emperor was denounced by other scholars seriously. To understand the real intention of Han Yu, this article analyzes the thinking of Han Yu, remorse and fear of death, through poetry respectively. Because of the influence of these two psychological factors, Han Yu thirsted for pardon and showed this feeling in his writings. As a result, based on this premise, this article analyzes the two writing strategies of Han Yu when he was relegated to Chao-Chou. The first writing strategy was direct communication, Han Yu used documents such as “Chao-Chou Ci Shi Xie Shang Biao” to speak highly of Xian-Zong enthusiastically, admit his mistakes, and intercede. The second writing strategy was indirect propagation; Han Yu sent a punitive expedition to the crocodile to propagate his article extensively, and he also glorified the exploits of Xian-Zong in “E Yu Wen” to establish his loyal image towards the emperor, which echoed “Chao-Chou Ci Shi Xie Shang Biao”. Han Yu tried to make Xian-Zong believe that his flattery opinions regarding his loyalty towards the emperor were his real feelings, so that he could be pardoned by Xian-Zong. 
Keyword Han Yu, “Chao-Chou Ci Shi Xie Shang Biao”, “E Yu Wen”, writing strategies 
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