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Journal paper

Issue No. VOL.44(Autumn)  
Title A Critique of Chan Wing-tsit’s Disciples of Zhu Zi 
Author WANG, YI-JAN 
Page 69~90 
Abstract Disciples of Zhu Zi, authored by Chan Wing-tsit, is a seminal work for those who research the Zhu Xi school. Through a review of earlier writings, it discusses the backgrounds of Zhu’s disciples and corrects errors in some ancient works. Moreover, it argues that an analysis of the format of ZHU ZI YU LEI can help to answer questions about Zhu’s disciples. However, several statements Chan makes in this work about the disciples remain to be scrutinized: what their names were, where their ancestral origins were, whether they were Zhu’s students, what is included in some texts of Disciples of Zhu Zi, when they began to study under Zhu, among others. 
Keyword Disciples of Zhu Zi, Chan Wing-tsit, Neo-Confucianism 
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