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Journal paper

Issue No. Issue 62 
Title Literary Appreciation and Historical Interpretation:An Analysis of Chen, Yin-ke’s Ideas of Criticism 
Author Lee, Kwai-sang 
Page 237~282 
Abstract Chen, Yin-ke’s distinctive approach, which is called mutual verification between literature and history, have extensive and far-reaching influence on Chinese literary studies. However, since Qian, Zhong-shu’s harsh criticism of his works, many scholars tended to emphasize that Chen’s voluminous works were only studies of history, which has nothing to do with literature. Almost none of them seriously consider his views on literature and literary criticism. Isolating Chen from the field of literature is not only inconsistent with his own understanding of his works, but also obscures his standing in the history of Chinese literature studies in the 20th century. With regard to such kind of opinions, this paper first reviews the comments made by Qian, Zhong-shu, then examines the positioning of literature and history in Chen's study, and explores the relationship between history and textual interpretation as well as literary appreciation, so as to comprehensively and objectively evaluate Chen, Yin-ke’s significance and contribution in the field of literature.
Keyword Chen, Yin-ke, Literature, Criticism, History, Interpretation 
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