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Journal paper

Issue No. Issue 48 
Title The Interpretation of Zhu Xi's 
Author Huang, Ying-nuan 
Page 65~92 
Abstract Mr. Tang, Jiun-Yi tries to use “ the pursuit of outer behavior principle to enlighten inner morality (求?外而明?內)” to interpret the “Gongfu(工夫)” of Zhu Xi’s “ko-wu-chih-chih (格物致知)”. He also points out that the “Gongfu(工夫)” of Zhu Xi’s can only be realized through the practice of “xiong-ko-shi-li (窮格事?)” because it is the inner morality not outer behavior principle that matters. So, pursuing “xiong-ko(窮格)” outwardly is not aiming at pursuing knowledge externally but enlightening our inner morality. Mr. Tang emphasizes that the key point of Zhu Xi’s “ko-wu-chih-chih (格物致知)” is to find appropriate ways to cope with every respects of possible life scenarios. The way that Mr. Tang interprets Zhu Xi is not only worth us to further elaborate but also help to demonstrate how substantial and revealing the Zhu-Xi’s theory is.
Keyword Tang, Jiun-Yi, Zhu Xi, “ko-wu xiong-li” (the pursuit of behavior principle to enlighten inner moral), “ko-wu-chih-chih” (extend the comprehension of moral), “huo-ran-guan-tong” (suddenly catch the principle of moral) 
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