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Issue No. Author Page Title Attached File
Issue 47  Chen, Li-kuei  1~36  A Look at the Virtues of Loyalty and Honesty in the Pre-Chin Confucian Teachings from Confucian Documents and Records on Kuodian Bamboo Slips 
Issue 47  Zhang, Li-zhu  37~70  Similarity and Difference of Dai Zhen's Theory of Humanity Against That of Mencius and Xunzi 
Issue 47  Wang, Yi-jan  71~98  Appraisal and Discussion on 《朱子門人》by Chan Wing-tsit 
Issue 47  Hsieh, Shu-wei  99~130  Lighting the Darkness: The Ritual of Lighting Lamps in Early Lingbao Scriptures 
Issue 47  Chung, Chih-wei  131~164  Literary reception of Kong Zhigui's “North Mountain Proclamation” (“Beishan yi wen”) 
Issue 47  Lin, Jia-rong  165~196  An Enquiry of theory in Ci of Tiaoxi Yuyin 
Issue 47  Lin, I-juug  197~236  The free and Unfettered Ways of Visiting Amazing Landscapes and Seeking Pleasure in Company with the Stunning Beauties? ──The Tactics of Statement on the Reproduced Literature and Art of the Scholars' Traveling Chiang Nan(江南) during the Middle and La 
Issue 47  Huang, Ming-li  237~262  A Study on the Narrator of the Middle of Seventh Month on West Lake- The Viewpoint of Soul 
Issue 47  Hu, Yan-nan  263~290  The Research for the Secular Novels in the Medium Term of Qing Dynasty